PocketBase : The Ultimate All-in-One Open Source Solution for Your Backend Revolution!

PocketBase : The Ultimate All-in-One Open Source Solution for Your Backend Revolution!


3 min read

If you have a brilliant idea for a SaaS or mobile application, PocketBase is the ideal solution! This open-source platform, developed in Go, provides a comprehensive approach to managing your database, files, users, and API.

Key Features

  • Integrated SQLite Database: PocketBase comes with an integrated SQLite database, eliminating the need for external database configuration and maintenance. Additionally, you can extend its capabilities to use other databases through extension features.

  • File and User Management: Easily manage files and users within your application. You can create, edit, delete files, and handle user accounts seamlessly.

  • User-Friendly Dashboard: The dashboard provides an intuitive interface for administering your application, allowing you to view database records, manage users, and monitor performance.

  • REST-like API: Access your data via a simple REST-like API, enabling integration with other services or applications.

  • JavaScript Client SDKs: PocketBase offers JavaScript SDKs for both web and mobile applications, simplifying the process of interacting with the PocketBase API.

Examples of JavaScript SDK Usage

The PocketBase JavaScript SDK is user-friendly, facilitating rapid development for web and mobile applications. Below are some usage examples that highlight the SDK’s capabilities.

Note: PocketBase also offers a Dart SDK for additional integration options.

Real-time Database Operations

Utilize the JavaScript SDK to manage your real-time database. Key methods include getList(), getOne(), delete(), create(), and subscribe().

import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

const pb = new PocketBase('');

// List records from the 'example' collection
const list = await pb.collection('example').getList(1, 100, {
  filter: 'title != "" && created > "2022-08-01"',
  sort: '-created,title',

// Fetch a single record
const record = await pb.collection('example').getOne('RECORD_ID');

// Delete a record
await pb.collection('example').delete('RECORD_ID');

// Create a new record
const newRecord = await pb.collection('example').create({
  title: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',

// Subscribe to changes
pb.collection('example').subscribe('*', function (e) {

// Unsubscribe from changes

User Authentication Management

Manage user authentication with methods such as create(), authWithPassword(), authWithOAuth2(), requestVerification(), requestPasswordReset(), and requestEmailChange().

import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

const pb = new PocketBase('');

// Sign up a user
await pb.collection('users').create({
  email: 'test@example.com',
  password: '123456',
  passwordConfirm: '123456',
  name: 'John Doe',

// Sign in a user
await pb.collection('users').authWithPassword('test@example.com', '123456');

// OAuth2 authentication
await pb.collection('users').authWithOAuth2({ provider: 'google' });

// Request email verification
await pb.collection('users').requestVerification('test@example.com');

// Request password reset
await pb.collection('users').requestPasswordReset('test@example.com');

// Change email request
await pb.collection('users').requestEmailChange('new@example.com');

File Management

Manage files easily with methods like create() and update().

import PocketBase from 'pocketbase';

const pb = new PocketBase('');

// File input reference
const fileInput = document.getElementById('fileInput');

const formData = new FormData();

// Listen to file input changes
fileInput.addEventListener('change', function () {
  for (let file of fileInput.files) {
    formData.append('yourFileField', file);

// Set additional fields
formData.append('title', 'Hello world!');

// Create a new record and upload files
await pb.collection('example').create(formData);

// Delete files from a record
await pb.collection('example').update('RECORD_ID', {
  'yourFileField': null,

Extending PocketBase Functionality

Utilize the SDK to enhance PocketBase with custom functionalities through hooks and routes.

// pb_hooks/main.pb.js

// Intercept requests
onRecordAfterUpdateRequest((e) => {

// Intercept system emails
onMailerBeforeRecordVerificationSend((e) => {
  // Send custom email
  return false; // Stops propagation

// Register custom routes
routerAdd("get", "/hello", (c) => {
  return c.string(200, "Hello!");

// Schedule jobs
cronAdd("hello", "*/2 * * * *", () => {
  console.log("Hello!"); // Logs "Hello!" every 2 minutes


PocketBase is a powerful and flexible open-source solution for creating backends for applications. It’s a simple, efficient, and adaptable tool for managing your backend needs.

Advantages of PocketBase

  • Simplicity: Quickly set up your backend without advanced development skills.
  • Efficiency: Save time and resources by avoiding external server and database configurations.
  • Flexibility: Customize your backend according to your business requirements, adding plugins and models as needed.

To explore more about PocketBase, visit the official website and try out the Live demo for a firsthand look at the dashboard.

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